With an MSW from Loyola University Chicago (IL) and as a licensed clinical social worker, John has provided therapy, coaching, and support to hundreds of young adults and their families for almost three decades. John has supervised and trained professionals all across the globe, with an emphasis on family systems theory. For 25 years, John has worked in psychiatric care, community mental health, wilderness therapy, adventure therapy, and for the last 10 years in young adult transitional living programs. As the former chairperson of the Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare (OBH) Council, John assisted in the creation of accreditation standards and best practices and has been an independent reviewer for multiple programs.

John Conway, LCSW, CADC

John has traveled to and visited programs all over the country, and internationally, to better understand how each program is uniquely designed to meet the specific needs of young adults. John was part of the founding team for one of the first transitional living programs located in a major metropolitan setting, expanding the reach of therapeutic, goal-oriented, residential, and non-residential supportive services to emerging adults. John is married and has two young adult daughters. He is an avid cyclist and loves hiking, rock climbing, and kayaking. John is solution-focused and an experiential learner and teacher, by instinct!

Why hire a young adult therapeutic educational consultant?

  • Independent consultants provide families with objective advice, access to reliable information, and the kind of individual attention necessary to make an informed decision.

  • While a tremendous amount of information is available on the Internet, an independent consultant can provide qualitative analysis. Qualified & respected consultants not only visit hundreds of programs and schools but have placed many students.

  • Consultants are knowledgeable about the admission process and can advise families every step of the way.

  • Consultants are advocates for you and the young adult. By getting to know you and your situation, John will work with you to develop an individualized plan that assesses the needs of the entire family.

  • Young adult consultants are focused on, and committed to, the best interest of the client - the young adult and the family. Listening & collaboration is key to success!

  • Call for more information

“John is a connector. He brings people and ideas together in a creative, engaging, and enjoyable way. His primary focus is on people followed by objectives, which leads to high investment from all stakeholders.”

— Dean of Students, Private Boarding School (Massachusetts)